Monday 4 February 2013


I think the study of Representation is key in establishing our Album Cover Design. 

For Fij's genre of Indie/Rock we looked at similar bands of that genre and analysed their album covers in order to determine what code and conventions are established. For all three album covers the artists themselves are seen on it often in a full body shot, however this differs from the Pop album covers where there is typically a close up. Often the band members are engaging in conversation or activity.

The band Mumford and Sons interestingly still use this full body shot but instead inside the shop window giving the consumer a challenge in trying to identify them. The band most likely would have found that this particular place captured the essence of their album and found it fitting in representing their image. 

However, for the Indie gene it is hard to pin point code and conventions for album covers since as a "Indie" band they will often try to express their individuality. They will break boundaries which gives our cover for Fij many opportunity's in being creative in representing our image.

Our final album cover is similar to the other bands in the respect that it's primary focus is also the lead singer. It also presents a full body shop it order to show the urban style of Jonny. The brick wall contributes to the grittiness of the bands image whilst the font compliments this by also being sketch like. Through Jonny's styling and confident body language it would be relatable to our target audience of young adults. 

1 comment:

  1. Confident analysis of visual codes: good. You show that you understand that there must be a clear correlation between all the parts of the music promo package. You also add another layer of analysis, reference to your own design plans, showing how you have learnt what to do from your research.
