Tuesday 29 January 2013

CONSTRUCTION: Album Cover Critique

In order for our album cover to effectively convey our genre of Indie/Alternative, we thought that there must be an urban element involved. The brick wall gives the picture a gritty feel, whilst the bold font allowed us to portray the confidence of our lead signer Jonny. With only the three characters of " F I J", our group had the flexibility to use big bold fonts like such which we think is fitting for the cover. Since Jonny is the primary focus of the music video, the repetition of him enforces this while also contributing to the building of his star image as lead singer. The red tint within the brick wall is brought out with Jonny's bold red shoes which make a statement of individuality which would be relatable to the target audience of the Indie Genre. 

1 comment:

  1. This turned out really well! I love the final result: very appropriate images, colours, mise-en-scene and font.
